Never Stop Dreaming

Never Stop Dreaming

Have you ever had one of those great intense dreams where everything that you want and desire are taking place? One of the worst feelings is to have your sleep interrupted by a phone call, bathroom break, the dog barking, the doorbell ringing, or maybe a kid bursting into your room. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall back asleep, you never get to know how the dream ends. Sucks right? What if there is a way to actually see your dreams from start to finish? How many of you all have dreams of becoming and having more in life than you could ever dream of? It’s very easy to dream it and let me tell you, I’ve dreamed up mansions, workshops, hundreds of clients, traveling agendas, building spaces, and so much more. I am a firm believer that whatever it is that you want, you can have if you’re willing to work for it. Work is a word that none of us love, but we know what must be done in order to survive. I would like to encourage every reader to never stop dreaming. Your dream is your ticket to success and you’ve got to be willing to earn your spot in this life called success. Below are a few tips to use when you feel your dreams beginning to fade or you’re just about to give up.

  • Write what you dream- I can’t tell you how many great dreams with amazing ideas I’ve had and when it comes to acting on them, I can’t remember them. Remember that when things get a little weary and dark, dreams are messages of hope and direction. That one dream that may seem off the wall and crazy is sometimes a message of where your current life may be. Dreams have a way of either scaring us or giving us hope for the future. What if your dream is a clue to your next Big Thing? What if your dream is clear confirmation on your next move? Keep a pen and paper next to your bed. You’d be surprised of what those dreams can fuel in the future to bring you safety, confirmation, and in most cases, money!
  • Remember why you started- If your path of direction in your life’s dream is a little blocked or rocky, always remember why you started. There will come a time when everything is great and success will feel amazing. What happens when things are not looking so good? Never lose focus of the end goal. Allow your mind and determination to always remember the dream. C. Burkmenn says “If you can remember why you started, then you will know why you must continue”.
  • Your dream was given to you for a reason- That dream and vision that’s inside of you can and will only be fulfilled by you. We are all given many assignments in this life that we may or may not want to carry out, but the job has to be done. People will not take your dreams and goals in life as serious as you because their passion and desires are into their own dreams. If you want something done, do it yourself. Stop waiting for everyone to make your dreams a reality and start making things happen on your own!
  • You’re someone’s inspiration- You can’t allow yourself to give up at this point because there is someone or many people living through your every move. So many people watch and follow others because they have yet to find that courage and flame inside themselves to become the next big thing. What if you never giving up is what someone or people need to see in order to spread their own wings? There is always someone watching you and looking up to you. whether you believe it or not. You’re someone’s mentor and motivation. In order to know that dreams can come true, people need to see that your dreams became a reality.

Be sure to always follow your dreams and never give up on yourself, It get’s rough, but eventually it gets better. If it can get better, it can become great. Until next time…..#LifeCoachJarell




  • Monique
    December 19, 2017 2:01 pm 0Likes

    Love it! I especially what you say about people not taking your dreams and goals in life as serious as you because it’s not their passion and desires…. because it’s an important aspect of growth and change. Many people let go of their dreams because they don’t feel supported. But people it’s not that they don’t support you, it’s just that they don’t support your dream in the way you do, because they have their own. When people grasp that, it makes it less likely that you GIVE up your dream.

    • admin
      December 19, 2017 2:13 pm 0Likes thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog post. It means so much to me. I enjoyed writing this blog from my heart and a serious place. Yes people must learn that others will not work as hard and consistent in another person’s dream. Very deep. Please be sure to share this blog post.

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