Life Is A Puzzle So Do What You Love

Life Is A Puzzle So Do What You Love

“Jarell tell me 1 thing that you love about the restaurant industry?” That was a question that an interviewer asked me today. I literally racked my brain for 20 seconds and came up with “I like working with employees”. Really amazing answer right. I t was at that moment that I realized I literally had no passion for what I did for years and I was trying to convince myself that I could somewhat create an answer that was true. I had to push myself through the entire interview knowing that I could no longer go back to a job that drained me of everything and everyone. Once the interview ended, I asked myself “Jarell what in the heck are you trying to do”? I had no answer so I just sat in a chair and looked out of my window hoping that a sign from God would answer my prayers. I started to ask myself a few more questions. How many people wake up excited about work? How many people actually love what they are doing? How many people are working just for the paycheck and not the passion? Let me answer that for you. 85% of people hate their jobs. That’s a huge amount. I am bold enough to say that I was in that percentage and everyday I try to find a way to make it okay to go back into my comfort zone to feel safe and secure. This blog post isn’t about cupcakes and sprinkles. It’s not about telling you that everything is fine. This post is for every person that wakes up, goes to a job  they dislike, you put your pride aside to pay the bills, and you’re left with absolutely nothing. As you all know, I walked away from my full time job in 2017 and it hasn’t been as easy as I thought. Bills still have to be paid and expenses had to be cut. I had to make a choice to stay miserable or to go for something that I loved. I realized that after I left my full time job, I was underpaid and overworked, but I’ve always known that. I made excuses to justify why I stayed. I allowed rent, car notes, vacations,etc to enslave my mind to stay in an environment that was not my home. I gave more of myself to the job and whatever was left went to me. I had no personal life at all. A few dinner dates here and there, but after that, nothing. When you don’t love what you do, it requires more effort and energy. How many of you are tapped out and you are trying to find energy and fuel from everywhere just to go to a job that you absolutely don’t love? What would it take for you to discover what you love and go towards that? Will it be easy? Maybe. Will the money flow in? Maybe. Will everything go right the first time? Maybe. These are questions that I ask myself daily and the answers change daily. There are days I feel like a failure or defeated. There are days when I feel on top of the world. I am learning to be as open and honest as I know how, Trapped feelings result in miscommunication and uncertainty. I encourage you all to do things in life that you love and your reward will be peace of mind and understanding. This is just an insight into my world as a Life Coach. Trust and believe, my life isn’t peachy, but I have the opportunity to do what I love. It’s all about putting 1 foot in front of the other, killing the excuses, and taking a leap of faith. Until next time….#LifeCoachJarell