Be Good To Yourself

Be Good To Yourself

As individuals, we all walk different walks of life with different intentions. As we embark on this journey called life, we encounter many of the do’s and don’ts along the way. We learn more about ourselves in the famous categories of needs and wants and at times, they can be two of the most difficult areas of life. If there is one thing that I have learned in my 32 years of living  and observing people, it’s that sometimes, it’s hard to allow ourselves to just be. Many ask, what do you mean by “just be”.? Let me break it down for you. How many times have you tried to fix a situation that was out of your control? How many times have you tried to find alternate ways of twisting reality? How many times have you allowed the concerns and choices that others make in their lives, your problems? The art of allowing things to just be is simply allowing life to run it’s course without us sticking our noses in there. When we learn the power of surrendering and allowing, our lives will become less stressful. Never force anything. Just let it be. If it’s meant to be, it will be. Here are a few tips to activate your “just being” power.

  1. Stop making everything about you. If you insert yourself into situations that don’t require your time and energy, you are choosing to be apart of someone else’s stuff. It’s not yours. Learn how to be comfortable with staying away. Where else can that energy be used in your own life? Remember to keep your cup full.
  2. Celebrate your greatness. How many times have you celebrated accomplishments of others, but you barely acknowledge the amazing accomplishments of your own? A part of being is to be present in your own life. Do something great for yourself. I like to ask the question “What are you deserving of”? Let that sink in and reward yourself daily.
  3. Take time for yourself. There are days when you will not want to be bothered by friends, family, and even your spouse. Those days are the ones where all you want is to be left alone with your thoughts, peace, and feelings. I advise you to take that much needed time. There is something called “me time” and everyone should partake in it at least once a week. Try a mental detox. It works wonders.
  4. Be Authentic. The best way to be is to completely be yourself. Embracing who you are opens up the airwaves to bring you life’s goodies. You will attract everything and everyone that is meant for you by being authentic. Being authentic allows you to be exactly who you are with no restrictions or judgement. How much time and energy goes into being yourself? None!

If you don’t take anything from this blog post, walk away with knowing that it’s perfectly fine to just be. Be willing to take care of self first and then everyone else can follow. Until next time…..#LifeCoachJarell