5 Steps To End The Domino Effect Of Negative Energy

5 Steps To End The Domino Effect Of Negative Energy

There is a famous quote that dates back to 1911 that says “When it rains, it pours. This quote was used by Morton Salt Company when they developed a new breakthrough in table salt technology. Even though life is not table salt, we all can relate to bad things happening one after another. We have adapted that quote as a way to say that when bad things begin to rain on us, they pour even harder. People always say that you have to experience the bad before you can bask in the glory of the good. If you are someone like me, as soon as the first part of bad begins to happens, I feel and react like it’s the end of the world. As much as we would like to be prepared for any and everything that comes our way, there will be situations that are out of our control. Have you ever felt like all the bad things happening in your life are a domino effect? Maybe you’re at the point where so much craziness has happened that you are just sitting back waiting for the next horrible action to happen. What if there is a secret to ending this domino effect? Think about it. If you think positive and believe positive, what are you going to attract? Let me answer that for you…POSITIVE RESULTS. Below are 5 helpful steps to end your domino effect of negative energy.

1. Pinpoint your distractions-Is there a lot going on in your life that makes it impossible to focus or get certain tasks done? It’s very easy to allow distractions to become the center of attention. Distractions will take your mind off the important factors which then allows all types of negative energy to enter into your life. Incomplete tasks, time management, accountability, and time for yourself can all be positive things when you correct your distractions and put them in their respective places. Pinpoint those distractions and watch how the domino effect begins to slow down.

2. Give Something Up- Be willing to sacrifice things that may be an open door for negative energy. What is blocking your flow? Who is blocking your progress? Is it social media, friends, partying, lack of finances, or maybe just bad habits? Be willing to give up something that is not serving as a positive space in your life. In order to get something great, you’ve got to be willing to do something that you’ve never done. If that thing that you must give up is meant to be in your life, it will find its way back to you. Until then, keep it simple and give up a few bad habits. How’s that domino effect looking now?

3. Get Clear About What You Need- Have you ever been going through a rough time and people ask “What do you need right now? Sometimes so much can be going on and you absolutely have no idea what it is that you need. This is a time for you to sit with all of what’s going on around you and to begin to see what your needs are. Do you need support? How about love? How about a plan of correction? Having a clear mind allows you to pinpoint what plans of correction are needed to position you in a better place. It may be raining in your life, but sometimes being clear about what and where your umbrella is can make a world of difference.Be clear about your needs during rough times and I guarantee you can slow down a domino or two.

4. Be Still- We’ve all experienced that anxious phase when we want to fix every bad situation that is occurring in our lives. We don’t always have the solutions to the problem, but we’ll try any and everything to make it better. As soon as we fix 1 thing, another bad thing happens and before we know it, we’re right back at square 1. Being still puts you in a place of clear direction. When you are still, you can receive clear instructions on what your next move must be. Being still also allows your mind to rest as well as allowing your body to recharge from worrying, stress, and possibly depression. I love the saying Be Still, Be Patient, and Wait. I promise if you sit still, you’ll hear clear instructions on how to end your negative domino effect! I think things are slowing down with the flow of negative energy!

5. Appreciate The Rain- I know many of you are reading this last one and saying “he must be crazy”. Actually I am writing this from personal experience. If you never appreciate the rain, how can you enjoy the sunlight? We may never fully understand why bad things happen to us, but we can say that difficult situations either make us or break us. If you can appreciate your negative situations with positive love, amazing things are bound to happen in your life. I encourage you to find 10 things that you are blessed about while going through your rough time. Somehow and someway it all balances out. Maybe you should consider dancing in the rain because the domino effect has ended!

Do your best to follow these 5 steps and see just how better your situation becomes. Until next time……..#LifeCoachJarell