It Was Me The Entire Time…

It Was Me The Entire Time…

It Was Me The Entire Time…


Wait! Why didn’t anyone tell me that I didn’t need the approval of others to live a bountiful life? No one told me that the world has been waiting for me to evolve into this powerful force of nature. I’ve went through my entire life believing that I was nothing special and just another body passing through this world. One of the worst feelings in the world is to feel out of place and never satisfied with yourself. Let me be the first to tell you that I walked in those shoes for many years. I recently learned a secret that changed my life over the last 6 months. That secret was that as long as I believed all of those empty and negative thoughts about myself, that’s exactly what life was going to bring me. It never crossed my mind that I could change my reality with a simple act of positive thinking. Change is no stranger to any of us and sometimes we run away from it for years. Over the last 6 months I began to welcome change with open arms. Change is always leading me into more and I will not be afraid. Now I no longer seek validation from others. I now uplift myself more than ever before, Having a positive mindset has truly impacted my life for the better. Who would’ve thought that I of all people could love myself as much as I  do? Who would’ve thought that I’d face fear and take a leap of faith to chase me dreams? Well now that I have learned the power of positive thinking, I realized  this life is ready for me and it will  love and welcome every part of who  am. I am now living my life as the person that I was meant to be. IT WAS ME THE ENTIRE TIME!